The first time someone mentioned the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind book to me, I probably rolled my eyes. I dismissed it as another tool that promises riches for the readers, but only delivers millions of dollars for the author. I was cynical. I also didn’t know if I wanted a millionaire mind. As far as I knew then, I didn’t know any millionaires. And from what I could see of millionaires in the news, I didn’t want their lives. It seemed that they might have had lots of money, but they lacked self-awareness and healthy relationships.
How You Think About Money Determines How Much You Have
T. Harv Eker wastes no time challenging his readers on thoughts like these. In Chapter One, we dive in to Your Money Blueprint: what it is, how it was formed, and how it determines the amount of money you have.
As many of you know, I grew up in Kentucky with my two sisters and a single mother. My dad struggled with alcoholism, dishonesty, and theft, leaving my mom with mountains of debt. The church often brought us food in the early years. Family members helped when they could. We sometimes got food stamps and free lunch programs at school. We did odd jobs, like babysitting and pet care, so we could buy new school clothes. When we wanted something more, we often heard, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
It was frustrating and annoying. Of course money doesn’t grow on trees. I had seen many trees. I would have noticed if any of them had money on them!
It’s Up to You to Break Ineffective Cycles
Our mom taught us what she could about money, but she had also grown up poor. Little did I know how much this would influence my future, if I let it. This book helped me determine how to break the cycle.
But I must caution you. Reading it once is unlikely to cause that break. No matter how much you commit to the self-exploration and actions suggested, a box of money probably isn’t going to be delivered to your door. You’re not going to get a valid electronic transfer of a million dollars to your bank account. Like my book, DIY Conflict Resolution, this is a book you will need to take down and re-read many times until you change the ineffective brain patterns that keep you in an unhealthy relationship with money.
Brain Patterns Can Be Changed Over Time
The good news is that the new brain patterns you will form over time will also help other areas of your life. You’ll begin to naturally relate better to successful people, instead of looking for why they aren’t really successful. You’ll learn to be a generous giver and an excellent receiver. You’ll stop thinking that the only way to make money is to trade your time for dollars, and you’ll expand your definition of value.
I’m still on my millionaire mind journey, but this book continues to inspire me to break the cycles in my family so my nephew and his kids can live happier and healthier. I no longer believe that I have to reject money to be a good person. I understand now that money is not the root of all evil. It’s the love of it that is, and love of money can be expressed as too much focus on it. Perhaps Simon Sinek explains this best, when he says, “Money is fuel.”
Before you fill ‘er up, where do you want money to take you?
Twisted up in your relationship with money?
Nance L. Schick, Esq. is an attorney, mediator, conflict resolution coach, and diversity trainer based in New York City. Her goal is to keep employers out of court and build their conflict resolution skills so everyone has a better work experience. For more than 15 years, she has been negotiating penalty settlements for employers who unintentionally misclassify their workers. She is creator of the Third Ear Conflict Resolution process, author of DIY Conflict Resolution, and an award-winning entrepreneur acknowledged by Super Lawyers (ADR, 2018, 2019 & 2020), the New York Economic Development Corporation/B-Labs (Finalist, Best for NYC 2015 & 2016), U.S. Chamber of Commerce (2015 Blue Ribbon Small Business), Enterprising Women Magazine (Honorable Mention, 2014 Woman of the Year awards), and more.